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Engineering Physics Practice Test 104

Period of Rotation of Planets Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 104

The Period of Rotation of Planets MCQ with Answers PDF (Period of Rotation of Planets Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-104 to prepare Engineering Physics Practice Tests. Learn Astronomical Data Test PDF, Period of Rotation of Planets Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online engineering associate's degree programs. The Period of Rotation of Planets MCQ App Download: Free certification app for vectors and scalars, planet and satellites: kepler law, reflection and refraction, angular simple harmonic oscillator, period of rotation of planets test prep to study online certification courses.

The MCQ: Period of rotation of Venus w.r.t distant stars is; "Period of Rotation of Planets" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: −-0.451 d; 0.997 d; −243 d; 0.897 d; for online engineering associate's degree programs. Practice Astronomical Data Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for tricky trivia questions.

Period of Rotation of Planets MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 104

MCQ 516:

Period of rotation of Venus w.r.t distant stars is

  1. 0.997 d
  2. −-0.451 d
  3. −243 d
  4. 0.897 d
MCQ 517:

A pendulum that rotates rather then swing is called

  1. Torison pendulum
  2. Tension pendulum
  3. Spring pendulum
  4. Equilibrium pendulum
MCQ 518:

Phenomena in which change in direction of a particular wave when it bounce off a barrier is called

  1. reflection
  2. refraction
  3. retardation
  4. attenuation
MCQ 519:

If p is the semi-latus rectum and ε is eccentricity, then Ellipse can be represented by formula

  1. P/(1+εcosθ)
  2. P/(1+εsinθ)
  3. P/(1+εtanθ)
  4. P/(1+εcotθ)
MCQ 520:

Velocity is a

  1. vector quantity
  2. unit vector
  3. scalar quantity
  4. infinite quantity

Engineering Physics Exam Prep Tests

Period of Rotation of Planets Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Period of Rotation of Planets App (Android & iOS)

Period of Rotation of Planets App (Android & iOS)

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