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Engineering Physics Practice Test 24

Argon Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 24

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Argon Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 24

MCQ 116: Symbol of Argon is

A) Ar
B) At
C) Ag
D) A

MCQ 117: Specific heat of water in joules is

A) 4180 J/kg. k
B) 3900 J/kg.k
C) 2430 J/kg.k
D) 2220 J/kg.k

MCQ 118: 1.0 cal/g.K is specific heat of

A) Brass
B) Mercury
C) Water
D) Silver

MCQ 119: Atomic number of Zirconium is equals to

A) 40
B) 12
C) 22
D) 100

MCQ 120: A heat engine that operates by cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gas at different temperatures, such that there is a net conversion of heat energy to mechanical work is called

A) Combustion Engine
B) Stirling Engine
C) Four Stroke Engine
D) CI Engine

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