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Electronic Devices Practice Test 14

Voltage Characteristics of Diode MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 14

The Voltage Characteristics of Diode Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Voltage Characteristics of Diode MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11-14 to solve Electronic Devices Practice Tests. Study Types and Characteristics of Diodes quiz answers PDF, Voltage Characteristics of Diode Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn certification courses online. The Voltage Characteristics of Diode MCQs App Download: Free educational app for jfet characteristics and parameters, transformer in half wave rectifier, zener diode: basic operation and applications, current regulator diodes, voltage characteristics of diode test prep for online engineering colleges.

The MCQs: For a forward bias diode, increase in temperature cause forward current to; "Voltage Characteristics of Diode" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Decrease; Increase; Become zero; Become infinite; to learn certification courses online. Practice Types and Characteristics of Diodes Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for global knowledge quiz.

Voltage Characteristics of Diode MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 14

MCQ 66:

For a forward bias diode, increase in temperature cause forward current to

  1. increase
  2. decrease
  3. become zero
  4. become infinite
MCQ 67:

Diode which maintains constant current rather than maintaining constant voltage is termed as

  1. current regulator diode
  2. optical diode
  3. PIN diode
  4. Zener diode
MCQ 68:

Breakdown which occurs in both rectifier and Zener diodes at sufficiently high reverse voltage is

  1. Zener breakdown
  2. avalanche
  3. modulation
  4. PIN breakdown
MCQ 69:

Device which is used to couple the AC input from source to rectifier is

  1. regulator
  2. modulator
  3. amplifier
  4. transformer
MCQ 70:

JFET forward transconductance is expressed as a ratio and has the unit of

  1. voltage
  2. Siemens
  3. hertz
  4. amperes

Electronic Devices Exam Prep Tests

Voltage Characteristics of Diode Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Voltage Characteristics of Diode App (Android & iOS)

Voltage Characteristics of Diode App (Android & iOS)

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