Computer Science Degree Courses

Chapter 7: Database Management System Exam Tests

Database Management System MCQs - Chapter 7

File Indexing Structures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The File Indexing Structures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (File Indexing Structures MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-1 to study Database Management System Course. Practice Single Level Order Indexes MCQs, File Indexing Structures trivia questions and answers PDF for free online classes. The File Indexing Structures MCQs App Download: Free learning app for multilevel indexes, types of indexes career test to study online tutor courses.

The MCQ: The index which has an entry for some of the key value is classified as; "File Indexing Structures" App Download (Free) with answers: Dense index; Linear index; Non dense index; Cluster index; for free online classes. Solve Normalization: Second Normal Form Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for best online schools for computer science.

File Indexing Structures MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

The index which has an entry for some of the key value is classified as

  1. linear index
  2. dense index
  3. non dense index
  4. cluster index
MCQ 2:

The primary indexes, secondary indexes and cluster indexes are all types of

  1. ordered indexes
  2. unordered indexes
  3. linear indexes
  4. relative search indexes
MCQ 3:

In multilevel indexes, the primary index created for its first level is classified as

  1. zero level of multilevel index
  2. third level of multilevel index
  3. second level of multilevel index
  4. first level of multilevel index
MCQ 4:

The indexes which specifies address of records on disk with a physical pointer are classified as

  1. structural index
  2. hashing index
  3. physical index
  4. logical index
MCQ 5:

The example of non dense index is

  1. ternary index
  2. secondary index
  3. primary index
  4. clustering index

File Indexing Structures Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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File Indexing Structures App (Android & iOS)

File Indexing Structures App (Android & iOS)

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