Computer Science Degree Courses
Database Systems Practice Tests
Database Systems Online Tests
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The MCQ: In a given amount of time the number of transactions that can be executed is known to be the; "Transaction Isolation and Atomicity" App Download (Free) with answers: Response time; Utilization; Concurrency time; Throughput; to study online courses. Practice Transaction Isolation and Atomicity Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online software development courses.
A single transaction failure may result into a set of transaction rollbacks, is known to be
In a given amount of time the number of transactions that can be executed is known to be the
The time for a transaction to be completely executed after its submission is known to be its
By finding a linear order consistent with the partial order in the precedence graph, we can obtain the
If an schedule doesn't include commit or abort operation, it is defined to be
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