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Computer Basics Practice Test 78

Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 78

The Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-78 to solve Computer Basics Practice Tests. Study Data Communication quiz answers PDF, Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study e-learning courses. The Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission MCQs App Download: Free educational app for window desktop elements, computer printers, disk operating system (dos), computer applications, asynchronous and synchronous transmission test prep for computer software engineer online degree.

The MCQs: Type of computer data transmission which uses a clock to control the timing of bit being sent is; "Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Parallel; Synchronous; Asynchronous; Serial; to study e-learning courses. Practice Data Communication Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample to learn online certificate courses.

Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 78

MCQ 386:

Type of computer data transmission which uses a clock to control the timing of bit being sent is

  1. synchronous
  2. parallel
  3. asynchronous
  4. serial
MCQ 387:

In computer, MICR stands for

  1. magic in character redo
  2. magnetic ink character recorder
  3. magnetic ink character reader
  4. magnetic ink chart receipt
MCQ 388:

DOS file specification includes

MCQ 389:

Computer line printer can prints lines at the rate of

  1. 2000 lines per minute
  2. 1000 lines per minute
  3. 500 lines per minute
  4. 3000 lines per minute
MCQ 390:

Windows operating system is used to

  1. coordinate computer activities
  2. access files on computer
  3. open and close programs on computer
  4. all of these

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission App (Android & iOS)

Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission App (Android & iOS)

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