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Computer Basics Practice Test 86

Optical Input Devices MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 86

The Optical Input Devices Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Optical Input Devices MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-86 to solve Computer Basics Practice Tests. Study Interacting with Computer quiz answers PDF, Optical Input Devices Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study computer engineering courses. The Optical Input Devices MCQs App Download: Free educational app for user interfaces, presentation slides, network and internet protocols, software and copyright laws, optical input devices test prep for computer information science.

The MCQ Quiz: Input devices that rolls on a desktop and controls the position of the cursor on the screen is called; "Optical Input Devices" App (Android & iOS) with answers: Light pen; Touch screen; Digitizer; Mouse; to study computer engineering courses. Practice Interacting with Computer Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online computer engineering programs.

Optical Input Devices MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 86

MCQ 426:

Input devices that rolls on a desktop and controls the position of the cursor on the screen is called

  1. touch screen
  2. light pen
  3. digitizer
  4. mouse
MCQ 427:

Set of illegal instructions inserted into a legitimate computer program is called

  1. trapdoor
  2. Trojan horse
  3. worm
  4. bomb
MCQ 428:

Which of the following is a governing body to approve the computer network standards?

  1. IEEE
  2. EIA
  3. ANSI
  4. all of these
MCQ 429:

Feature we use to apply motion effects in between a slide exits and another enters is

  1. slide transition
  2. slide design
  3. animation object
  4. animation scheme
MCQ 430:

A GUI is a

  1. hardware
  2. language interpreter
  3. software interface
  4. operating system

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

Optical Input Devices Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Optical Input Devices App (Android & iOS)

Optical Input Devices App (Android & iOS)

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