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Computer Architecture Practice Test 89

Organization of Pentium Implementations Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 89

The Organization of Pentium Implementations Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Organization of Pentium Implementations Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-89 to prepare Computer Architecture Practice Tests. Solve Instruction Level Parallelism MCQ with answers PDF, Organization of Pentium Implementations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college classes. The Organization of Pentium Implementations Quiz App Download: Free learning app for organization of pentium implementations, ilp approaches and memory system, network connectivity test prep for online computer science and engineering.

The Quiz: The execution time for the unrolled loop, has been dropped to a total of; "Organization of Pentium Implementations" App Download (Free) with answers: 16 clock cycles; 14 clock cycles; 18 clock cycles; 20 clock cycles; for online college classes. Learn Instruction Level Parallelism Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn online school courses.

Organization of Pentium Implementations Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 89

MCQ 441:

The execution time for the unrolled loop, has been dropped to a total of

  1. 14 clock cycles
  2. 16 clock cycles
  3. 18 clock cycles
  4. 20 clock cycles
MCQ 442:

Delays arising from the use of a load result 1 or 2 cycles after the loads, refer as

  1. data stall
  2. control stall
  3. branch stall
  4. load stall
MCQ 443:

For implementing the IA-32 instruction set, the framework is provided by

  1. multicycle data path
  2. microprogrammed controller
  3. hardwired control
  4. both a and b
MCQ 444:

The most common, often implemented technique of multithreading, is called

  1. parallel multithreading
  2. pre multithreading
  3. post multithreading
  4. simultaneous multithreading
MCQ 445:

An alternative towards the fine-grained multithreading, the devised technique was

  1. buffer-grained multi threading
  2. miss-grained multi threading
  3. coarse-grained multi threading
  4. coarse-grained single threading

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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Organization of Pentium Implementations App (Android & iOS)

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