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C++ Practice Test 128

Pointers and References Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 128

The Pointers and References MCQ with Answers PDF (Pointers and References Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 15-128 to prepare C++ Practice Tests. Learn Pointers and References Test PDF, Pointers and References Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for top computer science schools in the world. The Pointers and References MCQ App Download: Free certification app for visual c sharp and c++ programming language, c++ attributes, algorithms, boolean expressions, pointers and references test prep to study computer engineering courses.

The MCQ: When a variable is declared, three attributes are associated with it, its name, its type and; "Pointers and References" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Its memory address; Its functions; Its operators; for top computer science schools in the world. Practice Pointers and References Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample to learn free online courses.

Pointers and References MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 128

MCQ 636:

When a variable is declared, three attributes are associated with it, its name, its type and

  1. Its functions
  2. Its memory address
  3. Its operators
  4. All of them
MCQ 637:

Boolean expression gives results in the form of

  1. Strings
  2. Characters
  3. Integers
  4. True and False
MCQ 638:

Specifying the order in which statements are to be executed in a program is called

  1. Program control
  2. Program order
  3. Program counter
  4. Program flow
MCQ 639:

Attributes in the real world are equivalent to program's

  1. data
  2. function
  3. module
  4. loop
MCQ 640:

Programming language which is only based on C++ is

  1. Java
  2. Visual C++
  3. Visual Basic
  4. Visual C#

C++ Exam Prep Tests

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