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Real World and Behavior MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 130

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Real World and Behavior MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 130

MCQ 646:

Behaviors in the real world are equivalent to program's

  1. data
  2. function
  3. module
  4. loop
MCQ 647:

Ios: :scientific, ios: : fixed are included in which mask?

  1. ios: : adjustment
  2. ios: :basefield
  3. ios: :floatfield
  4. ios: :adjustfield
MCQ 648:

Which of the following C++ operator associativity starts from right side?

  1. Add operator +
  2. Simple assignment operator =
  3. Subtract operator -
  4. Bit shift operator <<
MCQ 649:

Elements of an array are numbered as 0,1,2,3? these numbers are called

  1. Index values
  2. Subscripts of the array
  3. Members of an array
  4. Both A and B

C++ Exam Prep Tests

Real World and Behavior Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Real World and Behavior App (Android & iOS)

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