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C++ Practice Test 127

Class Declaration Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 127

The Class Declaration Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Class Declaration Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-127 to solve C++ Practice Tests. Learn Classes and Subclasses MCQ Questions PDF, Class Declaration Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn computer engineering courses. The Class Declaration Trivia App Download: Free learning app for introduction to arrays, c++ and c, java programming language, what does an operating system do, class declaration test prep for top online computer science programs.

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Class Declaration Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 127

MCQ 631:

Member functions and member data that are accessible within the class, are called

  1. Private members
  2. Public members
  3. Protected members
  4. None of them
MCQ 632:

Single-user batch processing operating system are those, who has the capability of processing

  1. One task at a time
  2. Many tasks at a time
  3. Two takes at a time
  4. None of them
MCQ 633:

C++-based object-oriented programming language is

  1. Java
  2. Basic
  3. Pascal
  4. Ada
MCQ 634:

Most important elements added in C to create C++ are

  1. functions and loops
  2. functions and classes
  3. objects and classes
  4. objects and functions
MCQ 635:

Float a [3] = {10.2, 33.4, 44.4}; is an example of

  1. Initializing variables
  2. Initializing array
  3. Initializing functions
  4. None of them

C++ Exam Prep Tests

Class Declaration Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Class Declaration App (Android & iOS)

Class Declaration App (Android & iOS)

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