BBA Management Degree Courses

Chapter 3: Business Mathematics Exam Tests

Business Mathematics MCQs - Chapter 3

Linear Equations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Linear Equations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Linear Equations MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-1 to study Business Mathematics Course. Practice Linear Equations: Math MCQs, Linear Equations trivia questions and answers PDF for business administration bachelor degree online. The Linear Equations MCQs App Download: Free learning app for linear equations in mathematics, two variable systems of equation, three dimensional coordinate systems, slope intercept form career test for online business masters programs.

The MCQ: The variables of linear equation is implicitly raised to; "Linear Equations" App Download (Free) with answers: Second power; First power; Third power; Four power; for business administration bachelor degree online. Solve Annuities & Present Value Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for best online business management degree.

Linear Equations MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

The variables of linear equation is implicitly raised to

  1. first power
  2. second power
  3. third power
  4. four power
MCQ 2:

The first step in graphing the linear equation is to

  1. identify and plot coordinates
  2. connect two points
  3. extend the straight line
  4. substitute values in intercept
MCQ 3:

The two equations that can be drawn as same line on graph then these equations are considered as

  1. constant equations
  2. solved equations
  3. equivalent equations
  4. non-equivalent equations
MCQ 4:

The axes in three dimension coordinate system divide plane in three spaces called

  1. quadrants
  2. space divider
  3. dimension divider
  4. octants
MCQ 5:

The slope intercept form of the linear equation is

  1. y = c⁄b - ax⁄b
  2. y = b⁄c - ax⁄b
  3. y = c⁄b - ab⁄x
  4. xy = bx⁄c - ay⁄b

Linear Equations Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Linear Equations App (Android & iOS)

Linear Equations App (Android & iOS)

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