BBA Finance Degree Courses

MBA Cost Accounting Certification Exam Tests

MBA Cost Accounting Practice Test 12

Residual Income Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 12

The Residual Income MCQ with Answers PDF (Residual Income Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 27-12 to prepare MBA Cost Accounting Practice Tests. Study Performance Measurement, Compensation and Multinational Considerations Test PDF, Residual Income Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online schools for business degrees. The Residual Income MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for residual income, estimating cost function using quantitative analysis, gross margin calculations, planning of variable and fixed overhead costs, constant gross margin percentage nrv method test prep to study online BBA courses.

The MCQ: An investment is multiplied to required rate of return, to calculate; "Residual Income" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Transfer cost of investment; Congruent cost of investment; Operating cost of investment; Imputed cost of investment; for online schools for business degrees. Practice Performance Measurement, Compensation and Multinational Considerations Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online bachelor's degree in business administration.

Residual Income MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 12

MCQ 56:

An investment is multiplied to required rate of return, to calculate

  1. congruent cost of investment
  2. transfer cost of investment
  3. operating cost of investment
  4. imputed cost of investment
MCQ 57:

The graphical representation of cost driver data and costs are considered as

  1. plotting the data
  2. plotting the costs
  3. plotting the cost drivers
  4. plotting curved line
MCQ 58:

If the cost of goods sold is $8000, the gross margin is $5000 then the revenue will be

  1. $13,000
  2. −$13000
  3. $3,000
  4. −$3000
MCQ 59:

The cost allocation base used by an operating manager is classified as

  1. machine hours
  2. flexible hours
  3. variable hours
  4. fixed hours
MCQ 60:

The first step in constant gross margin percentage, Net realizable value (NRV) method is to allocate joint, to compute

  1. Gross margin percentage
  2. total production cost of each product
  3. allocated joint costs
  4. cost of split off point

MBA Cost Accounting Exam Prep Tests

Residual Income Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Residual Income App (Android & iOS)

Residual Income App (Android & iOS)

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