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IGCSE A Level Biology Certification Exam Tests

IGCSE A Level Biology Practice Test 81

Tobacco smoke and Chronic Bronchitis Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 81

Free Tobacco smoke and Chronic Bronchitis Quiz Questions and Answers, Tobacco smoke and Chronic Bronchitis Quiz PDF download, e-Book Ch. 11-81 to study igcse biology online courses. Practice Smoking MCQ with answers PDF, tobacco smoke and chronic bronchitis Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Tobacco smoke and Chronic Bronchitis Quiz App Download: Free learning app for tobacco smoke and chronic bronchitis, cell biology, endocytosis, exocytosis, pinocytosis and phagocytosis, tobacco smoke and lungs diseases, active transport test prep for online colleges that offer financial aid.

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Tobacco smoke & Chronic Bronchitis Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 81

MCQ 401: Breathlessness becomes difficult when damage to the lungs is

  1. below 20%
  2. 20%-30%
  3. 30% - 40%
  4. 50% and above

MCQ 402: The process of engulfing solid particles in the form of vacuoles is called

  1. endycytosis
  2. phagocytosis
  3. pinocytosis
  4. ectocytosis

MCQ 403: A process through which the contents of a cell vacuole are released to the outside of the cell, through the fusion of the vacuole membrane with the cell membrane is called

  1. phagocytosis
  2. pinocytosis
  3. exocytosis
  4. endocytosis

MCQ 404: The Cardiovascular System cannot be damaged by

  1. tar
  2. CO
  3. nicotine
  4. caffeine

MCQ 405: The ions diffuse from

  1. low concentration to higher concentration
  2. high concentration to lower concentration
  3. both directions
  4. none of others

IGCSE A Level Biology Exam Prep Tests

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