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Textile Technology Practice Test 56

Carded Cotton Spinning Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 56

The Carded Cotton Spinning MCQ with Answers PDF (Carded Cotton Spinning Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-56 to prepare Textile Technology Practice Tests. Learn Cotton Spinning Test PDF, Carded Cotton Spinning Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online bachelor degree programs. The Carded Cotton Spinning MCQ App Download: Free certification app for scouring process, package unloading, transportation and packing, carded cotton spinning test prep to study online tutor courses.

The MCQ: The type of the delivery material in 1st drawing stage of 'Carded Cotton Cycle' is; "Carded Cotton Spinning" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Drawn Sliver; Roving; Raw cotton; Card Silver; for online bachelor degree programs. Practice Cotton Spinning Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for accelerated online degrees.

Carded Cotton Spinning MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 56

MCQ 276:

The type of the delivery material in 1st drawing stage of 'Carded Cotton Cycle' is

  1. Roving
  2. Drawn Sliver
  3. Raw cotton
  4. Card Silver
MCQ 277:

Production capacity controlled machines make up the pallets

  1. automatically
  2. manually
  3. both a and b
  4. using instructions
MCQ 278:

The type of the package form in 2nd drawing stage of 'Carded Cotton Cycle' is

  1. Can
  2. Sliver Can
  3. Roving Can
  4. Roving Bobbin
MCQ 279:

The second and third vats in scouring process is uses for

  1. scouring the wool
  2. eliminating earth particles
  3. rinsing the clean wool
  4. all of above
MCQ 280:

Pressure bar system have

  1. 2 pressure and draft cylinder
  2. 3 pressure and draft cylinder
  3. 4 pressure and draft cylinder
  4. 5 pressure and draft cylinder

Textile Technology Exam Prep Tests

Carded Cotton Spinning Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Carded Cotton Spinning App (Android & iOS)

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