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Summary: Aging and Elderly Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 80

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Summary: Aging and Elderly MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 80

MCQ 396:

The primary driver of the 'modernization theory' is

  1. Industrialization
  2. Modernization
  3. Socialization
  4. Interactions
MCQ 397:

Who was the first to discuss about 'sick role'?

  1. Talcott Parsons
  2. August Comte
  3. Emile Durkheim
  4. Max Weber
MCQ 398:

The term 'sociology' first came in

  1. 1700
  2. 1950
  3. 1780
  4. 1790
MCQ 399:

Who protested against the 'Anglican Church in England'?

  1. Methodists
  2. Baptists
  3. A and B
  4. None of them
MCQ 400:

Nonviolent' protest strategies are

  1. Rallies
  2. Marches
  3. Petitions
  4. All of above

Sociology Exam Prep Tests

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Summary Aging and Elderly App (Android & iOS)

Summary Aging and Elderly App (Android & iOS)

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