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Sociology Practice Test 64

Functionalism Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 64

The e-Book Functionalism MCQ Questions, functionalism quiz answers PDF download, chapter 2-64 to learn free sociology online courses. Solve An Introduction to Sociology Test PDF, Functionalism Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Functionalism MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for creating a discipline, race, gender, and class issues, conflict theory, conflict perspective, functionalism test prep for online bachelor's degree.

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Functionalism Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 64

MCQ 316: The oldest and main theory of 'sociology' is

A) Socialism
B) Functionalism
C) Marxism
D) Communism

MCQ 317: The ADEA amendments passed in

A) 1964
B) 1966
C) 1967
D) 1970

MCQ 318: Who was the leader in the field of 'feminist conflict theory'?

A) Janet Saltzman Chafetz
B) Simmel
C) Weber
D) Fraud

MCQ 319: Who signed the 'Voting Rights Act'?

A) Vladimir Putin
B) President Lyndon Johnson
C) Jared Kushner
D) Clinton III

MCQ 320: Who establish sociology as a 'formal academic discipline'?

A) Plato
B) ?mile Durkheim
C) Karl Marx
D) August Comte

Sociology Exam Prep Tests

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