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Molluscan Characteristics Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 83

The Molluscan Characteristics Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Molluscan Characteristics Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 13-83 to solve Phylum Practice Tests. Learn Molluscan Success MCQ Questions PDF, Molluscan Characteristics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn study university courses. The Molluscan Characteristics Trivia App Download: Free learning app for patterns of organization, class hexapoda, phylum mollusca: class cephalopoda, phylum nematoda, molluscan characteristics test prep for free online classes.

The Trivia MCQ: The study of similarities and differences in the early development of an animal is called; "Molluscan Characteristics" App (iOS & Android) with answers: Comparative embryology; Development; Embryology; Endocrinology; for free online classes. Study Molluscan Success Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online graduate programs.

Molluscan Characteristics Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 83

MCQ 411:

The study of similarities and differences in the early development of an animal is called

  1. development
  2. comparative embryology
  3. embryology
  4. endocrinology
MCQ 412:

The number of roundworm present on the earth ranges from 16000 to

  1. 5000000
  2. 20000
  3. 27000
  4. 120000
MCQ 413:

The eyes of the cephalopods are similar to the eyes of the

  1. vertebrates
  2. invertebrate s
  3. flies
  4. ticks
MCQ 414:

The tracheoles are intracellular, abundant and metabolically

  1. active tissues
  2. inactive tissues
  3. neutral tissues
  4. smooth tissue
MCQ 415:

The arrangements of the parts of animals around an axis or a certain point are called

  1. point of arrangement
  2. symmetry
  3. design
  4. pattern

Phylum Exam Prep Tests

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Molluscan Characteristics App (Android & iOS)

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