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Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Phylum Tests. Study Fishes: Vertebrate Success in Water Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii quiz answers PDF to study online professional courses. The Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii MCQ App Download: Free learning app for class chondrichthyes, elasmobranchii and holocephali, superclass agnatha, class osteichthyes: subclass sarcopterygii and actinopterygii test prep for online university courses.

The MCQ: Gills in the fishes supported by the; "Class Osteichthyes: Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii" App Download (Free) with answers: Trachea; Gill arches; Gills filaments; Pharyngeal slits; to study online professional courses. Practice Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for online bachelor's degree.

Class Osteichthyes Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The number of the living species of the Actinopterygii's is nearly

  1. 30 species
  2. 23 species
  3. 25 species
  4. 55 species
MCQ 2:

Gills in the fishes supported by the

  1. trachea
  2. gill arches
  3. gills filaments
  4. pharyngeal slits
MCQ 3:

The only surviving coelacanth is

  1. latimeria
  2. hatfish
  3. ratfish
  4. eels
MCQ 4:

The fishes that migrate between marine and freshwater environment are called

  1. diadromous
  2. dual nature
  3. neutral species
  4. all of above
MCQ 5:

The function of the swim bladder in the class Osteichthyes is carried out by

  1. lungs
  2. gills
  3. pneumatic sacs
  4. heart

Phylum Practice Tests

Class Osteichthyes: Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Class Osteichthyes: Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii App (Android & iOS)

Class Osteichthyes: Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii App (Android & iOS)

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