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Phylum Practice Test 54

Phylum Nematoda MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 54

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The MCQ Quiz: The sperm of the nematodes is; "Phylum Nematoda" App (Android & iOS) with answers: Diploid; Haploid; Amoeboid; Ciliated; to learn online classes courses. Practice Pseudocoelomate Body Plan Aschelminths Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for best online schools.

Phylum Nematoda MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 54

MCQ 266:

The sperm of the nematodes is

  1. haploid
  2. diploid
  3. amoeboid
  4. ciliated
MCQ 267:

A special part in some protozoa, helpful in ingesting food, present in analogous to the mouth, known as

  1. pharynx
  2. esophagus
  3. cytopharynx
  4. food vacuole
MCQ 268:

Many snails that are living in the marine ecosystem are

  1. monoceious
  2. dioceous
  3. males
  4. female
MCQ 269:

Most Phoronids are small, less than

  1. 25 cm long
  2. 2 cm long
  3. 20 cm long
  4. 28 cm long
MCQ 270:

The most primitive nervous system is the characteristic of

  1. flies
  2. earthworm
  3. hydra
  4. round worm

Phylum Exam Prep Tests

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Phylum Nematoda App (Android & iOS)

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