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MBA Organizational Structure & Design Practice Tests

MBA Organizational Structure & Design Online Tests

Organizational Strategy MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Organizational Strategy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Organizational Strategy MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Organizational Structure & Design Tests. Learn Business Model and Components Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Organizational Strategy quiz answers PDF for bachelor in management online. The Organizational Strategy MCQ App Download: Free learning app for organizational strategy, characteristics of business model test prep for online university.

The MCQ: The level of strategy that uses capabilities and competencies for competitive advantage, is said to be at the; "Organizational Strategy" App Download (Free) with answers: Model level; Operational level; Corporate level; Competitive level; for bachelor in management online. Practice Organizational Strategy Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for colleges that offer online degrees.

Organizational Strategy MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Rethinking or developing a business model consists of

  1. 2 steps
  2. 3 steps
  3. 4 steps
  4. 5 steps
MCQ 2:

The level of strategy that uses capabilities and competencies for competitive advantage, is said to be at the

  1. Model level
  2. Operational level
  3. Corporate level
  4. Competitive level
MCQ 3:

The level of strategy that achieves performance objectives with financial metrics, is said to be at the

  1. Corporate level
  2. Competitive level
  3. Operational level
  4. Model level
MCQ 4:

The level of strategy that aligns opportunity to strategic and financial goals, is at the

  1. Corporate level
  2. Competitive level
  3. Operational level
  4. Model level
MCQ 5:

An organization's business model must be solidly grounded in its

  1. Capabilities
  2. Competences
  3. Profitability
  4. Both A and B

MBA Organizational Structure & Design Practice Tests

Organizational Strategy Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Organizational Strategy App (Android & iOS)

Organizational Strategy App (Android & iOS)

Organizational Structure and Design App (Android & iOS)

Organizational Structure and Design App (iOS & Android)

Human Resource Management (MBA) App (Android & iOS)

Human Resource Management (MBA) App (Android & iOS)

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MBA Business Statistics App (iOS & Android)