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Chapter 14: Molecular Biology Exam Tests

Molecular Biology MCQs - Chapter 14

Metabolism of Xenobiotics Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 1

The e-Book Metabolism of Xenobiotics Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Metabolism of Xenobiotics MCQ Quiz PDF download, test 1 to study free Molecular Biology Online Course. Practice Detoxification and Mechanism of Detoxification MCQs, Metabolism of Xenobiotics trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Metabolism of Xenobiotics MCQs App Download: Free learning app for career test for online college courses.

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Metabolism of Xenobiotics Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1: British antilewisite a compound that is discovered during world war II being administered to overcome the toxicity produced by the

A) Arsenic
B) Mercury
C) Cadmium
D) all of above

MCQ 2: Benzene is a cyclic compound that is an example of

A) Long chain hydrocarbons
B) Aromatic hydrocarbons
C) Aliphatic hydrocarbons
D) 3-carbon compound

MCQ 3: The hippuric acid was firstly discovered in

A) 1839
B) 1829
C) 1849
D) 1859

MCQ 4: The cytochromes that contain heme as a prosthetic group named as

A) Hemoproteins
B) Glycoproteins
C) Hemoglobin proteins
D) Inducible enzymes

MCQ 5: Highly poisonous cyanide after being combined with the thiosulfate yielding less toxic compound categorized as

A) Cyanate
B) Thiocyanate
C) Thiosulfate cyanides
D) Sodium thiosulfate

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Metabolism of Xenobiotics App (Android & iOS)

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