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Histology Practice Test 20

Pancreas and Exocrine Pancreas Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 20

The Pancreas and Exocrine Pancreas MCQ with Answers PDF (Pancreas and Exocrine Pancreas Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 9-20 to prepare Histology Practice Tests. Learn Digestive System Test PDF, Pancreas and Exocrine Pancreas Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online degrees. The Pancreas and Exocrine Pancreas MCQ App Download: Free certification app for synapses, epithelium and classification covering epithelia, kidney, glands of skin, pancreas and exocrine pancreas test prep for masters in histology programs.

The MCQ: The exocrine components of the pancreas synthesized, secreting; "Pancreas and Exocrine Pancreas" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Digestive enzyme; Sweat enzyme; Insulin; Glucagon; for online degrees. Practice Digestive System Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for free online college courses.

Pancreas and Exocrine Pancreas MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 20

MCQ 96:

The exocrine components of the pancreas synthesized, secreting

  1. sweat enzyme
  2. digestive enzyme
  3. insulin
  4. glucagon
MCQ 97:

The brownish black pigment that is present nearly all the layers of the epidermis, known as

  1. carotenes
  2. melanin
  3. oxyhemoglobin
  4. hemoglobin
MCQ 98:

The diameter of the renal corpuscles is about

  1. 100-120 µm
  2. 200-250 µm
  3. 240-270 µm
  4. 260-300 µm
MCQ 99:

A cluster of closely apposed cells with very small amount of extracellular matrix, named as

  1. covering
  2. tissues
  3. cells
  4. epithelium
MCQ 100:

The synapse between two axons is named as

  1. Axosomatic synapse
  2. Axodendritic synapse
  3. Axoaxonix synapse
  4. synapse

Histology Exam Prep Tests

Pancreas and Exocrine Pancreas Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Pancreas and Exocrine Pancreas App (Android & iOS)

Pancreas and Exocrine Pancreas App (Android & iOS)

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