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Histology Certification Exam Tests

Histology Practice Test 24

Sclera Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 24

The Sclera MCQ with Answers PDF (Sclera Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 15-24 to prepare Histology Practice Tests. Learn Eye Fibrous Coat Test PDF, Sclera Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for free online college courses. The Sclera MCQ App Download: Free certification app for hormone and hormone receptors, spinal cord, nucleus, ciliary muscles and ciliary layer, sclera test prep to learn online educational courses.

The MCQ: The color of the sclera is; "Sclera" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Opaque white; Red; Blue; Green; for free online college courses. Practice Eye Fibrous Coat Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online undergraduate degree.

Sclera MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 24

MCQ 116:

The color of the sclera is

  1. red
  2. opaque white
  3. blue
  4. green
MCQ 117:

Suspensory ligament is also called as

  1. zonulae
  2. dense layer
  3. tunica vasculosa
  4. Superachoroidal lamina
MCQ 118:

The shape of the nucleus is mostly

  1. spherical
  2. lobulated
  3. fusiform
  4. all of above
MCQ 119:

Dorsal to the central part of the spinal cord has a septum, containing

  1. nerves
  2. neuroglia
  3. neurons
  4. sense organs
MCQ 120:

A common mode of transportation of hormone to their target cells, termed as

  1. endocrine communication
  2. paracrine communication
  3. Juxtacrine communication
  4. autocrine communication

Histology Exam Prep Tests

Sclera Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Sclera App (Android & iOS)

Sclera App (Android & iOS)

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