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General Zoology Certification Exam Tests

General Zoology Practice Test 32

DNA: Genetic Material Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 32

The DNA Genetic Material MCQ with Answers PDF (DNA Genetic Material Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 14-32 to prepare General Zoology Practice Tests. Learn Molecular Genetics Ultimate Cellular Control Test PDF, DNA Genetic Material Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college courses. The DNA: Genetic Material MCQ App Download: Free certification app for internal transport and circulatory system, classification of animals, dna: genetic material test prep for bachelor degree online.

The MCQ: The non-coding intron is removed by the process of; "DNA: Genetic Material" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Splicing; Deletion; Duplication; Translation; for online college courses. Practice Molecular Genetics Ultimate Cellular Control Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for bachelor degree online in 2 years.

DNA: Genetic Material MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 32

MCQ 156:

The non-coding intron is removed by the process of

  1. deletion
  2. splicing
  3. duplication
  4. translation
MCQ 157:

Karl von Linne describes the system of classification of plants named as

  1. binomial nomenclature
  2. naming system
  3. classification system
  4. taxonomy
MCQ 158:

The normal diastolic pressure in humans is

  1. 90 mm Hg
  2. 30 mm Hg
  3. 80 mm Hg
  4. 110 mm Hg
MCQ 159:

Insulin is secreted by the

  1. beta cell of pancreas
  2. alpha cells of the pancreas
  3. islets
  4. noradrenalin
MCQ 160:

Heart rate and carbohydrate metabolism is controlled by

  1. epinephrine
  2. norepinephrine
  3. adrenaline
  4. all of above

General Zoology Exam Prep Tests

DNA Genetic Material Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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DNA Genetic Material App (Android & iOS)

DNA Genetic Material App (Android & iOS)

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