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General Zoology Practice Tests

General Zoology Online Tests

Invertebrates Sensory Reception MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Invertebrates Sensory Reception Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Invertebrates Sensory Reception MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice General Zoology Tests. Learn Senses and Sensory System Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Invertebrates Sensory Reception quiz answers PDF to learn e-learning courses. The Invertebrates Sensory Reception MCQ App Download: Free learning app for zoology: vertebrates sensory reception, invertebrates sensory reception test prep for online college courses.

The MCQ: The receptor that is sensitive to light is called; "Invertebrates Sensory Reception" App Download (Free) with answers: Georeceptor; Chemoreceptor; Baroreceptor; Photoreceptor; to learn e-learning courses. Practice Invertebrates Sensory Reception Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online graduate programs.

Invertebrates Sensory Reception MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

A Sense of touch is responded by

  1. tactile receptor
  2. thermoreceptor
  3. georeceptor
  4. hydro receptor
MCQ 2:

The receptor that is sensitive to light is called

  1. georeceptor
  2. chemoreceptor
  3. baroreceptor
  4. photoreceptor
MCQ 3:

The photoreceptor in the grasshopper is called

  1. ears
  2. sensilla
  3. tympanic organs
  4. slits
MCQ 4:

The octopus and squid have a

  1. ocelli
  2. complex camera eye
  3. stigma
  4. ocellus
MCQ 5:

The temperature changes are responded by the

  1. thermoreceptors
  2. georeceptor
  3. baroreceptor
  4. chemoreceptor

General Zoology Practice Tests

Invertebrates Sensory Reception Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Invertebrates Sensory Reception App (Android & iOS)

Invertebrates Sensory Reception App (Android & iOS)

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