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Histology Certification Exam Tests

Histology Practice Test 26

Glands of Skin MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 26

The Glands of Skin Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Glands of Skin MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 24-26 to solve Histology Practice Tests. Study Integumentary System quiz answers PDF, Glands of Skin Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online educational courses. The Glands of Skin MCQs App Download: Free educational app for dermis, cytoplasmic organelles: mitochondria, hormone and hormone receptors, blood vascular system, glands of skin test prep for online undergraduate degree.

The MCQs: The functions of the sweat, included; "Glands of Skin" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Source of excretion of waste products only; Temperature regulation only; Absorb salts; Temperature regulation and source of excretion of waste products; to learn online educational courses. Practice Integumentary System Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for accredited distance learning universities.

Glands of Skin MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 26

MCQ 126:

The functions of the sweat, included

  1. temperature regulation only
  2. source of excretion of waste products only
  3. absorb salts
  4. temperature regulation and source of excretion of waste products
MCQ 127:

The diameter of the arterioles is about

  1. 0.2 mm
  2. 0.3 mm
  3. 0.4 mm
  4. 0.5 mm
MCQ 128:

Specialized type of the cells that secrete hormones and are present in the hypothalamus, termed as

  1. nerves
  2. receptor
  3. neurosecretory cells
  4. stimulus
MCQ 129:

The power of the house of the cell is regarded as

  1. cell membrane
  2. cytoplasm
  3. nucleus
  4. mitochondria
MCQ 130:

The reticular layer of the dermis, included

  1. fibroblast
  2. mast cells and macrophages
  3. T-lymphocytes and fat cells
  4. all of above

Histology Exam Prep Tests

Glands of Skin Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Glands of Skin App (Android & iOS)

Glands of Skin App (Android & iOS)

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