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General Zoology Practice Test 89

Ciliary and flagellar Movement Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 89

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The Quiz: Cilia and flagella are structurally; "Ciliary and flagellar Movement" App Download (Free) with answers: Different; Similar; Antagonistic; for accredited distance learning universities. Learn Protection, Support and Movement Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study online bachelor degree courses.

Ciliary and flagellar Movement Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 89

MCQ 441:

Cilia and flagella are structurally

  1. similar
  2. different
  3. antagonistic
  4. none of above
MCQ 442:

The non-coding region of an RNA transcript is called

  1. exons
  2. introns
  3. exome
  4. nucleoside
MCQ 443:

The alpha cells of the pancreas secrete the

  1. glucagon
  2. insulin
  3. epinephrine
  4. thyroid
MCQ 444:

Lysosomes are spherical membrane-bound organelle that contains the enzyme

  1. hydrolase
  2. acid hydrolyses
  3. phosphatases
  4. lysozymes
MCQ 445:

In echinoderms, the holoblastic type of cleavage produces

  1. energy utilization
  2. energy flow
  3. energy budget
  4. energy currency

General Zoology Exam Prep Tests

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