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General Zoology Certification Exam Tests

General Zoology Practice Test 93

Hormones of Vertebrates: Birds and Mammals Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 93

The Hormones of Vertebrates Birds and Mammals Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Hormones of Vertebrates Birds and Mammals Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-93 to prepare General Zoology Practice Tests. Solve Endocrine System and Chemical Messenger MCQ with answers PDF, Hormones of Vertebrates Birds and Mammals Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for free online college courses. The Hormones of Vertebrates: Birds and Mammals Quiz App Download: Free learning app for birth of modern genetics, development of behavior, hormones of vertebrates: birds and mammals test prep to learn free online courses.

The Quiz: Epinephrine and norepinephrine are secreted in mammals by; "Hormones of Vertebrates: Birds and Mammals" App Download (Free) with answers: Medulla oblongata; Adrenal medulla; Cerebellum; Cerebrum; for free online college courses. Learn Endocrine System and Chemical Messenger Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn online certification courses.

Hormones of Vertebrates: Birds and Mammals Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 93

MCQ 461:

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are secreted in mammals by

  1. adrenal medulla
  2. medulla oblongata
  3. cerebellum
  4. cerebrum
MCQ 462:

Ovaries and testes are collectively called as

  1. sex cell
  2. sex hormone
  3. gonads
  4. reproductive hormone
MCQ 463:

In behavior the nervous system acting as a

  1. machine
  2. robot
  3. stimulus filter
  4. respondent
MCQ 464:

The genetic makeup of an organism is called

  1. phenotype
  2. dominant gene
  3. genotype
  4. recessive gene
MCQ 465:

The corals secrete shell, made up of

  1. calcium carbonate
  2. sodium chloride
  3. calcium chloride
  4. sodium carbonate

General Zoology Exam Prep Tests

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Hormones of Vertebrates Birds and Mammals App (Android & iOS)

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