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Pyridoxine Chemistry, Functions and Disorders MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Pyridoxine Chemistry, Functions and Disorders Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Pyridoxine Chemistry, Functions and Disorders MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Biochemistry Tests. Learn Vitamins Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Pyridoxine Chemistry, Functions and Disorders quiz answers PDF to learn online educational courses. The Pyridoxine Chemistry, Functions and Disorders MCQ App Download: Free learning app for classification of vitamins, vitamin k: chemistry, functions and disorders, vitamin a: chemistry, functions and disorders test prep for online bachelor degree programs.

The MCQ: The vitamin B-6 compounds are; "Pyridoxine: Chemistry, Functions and Disorders" App Download (Free) with answers: Sterol derivatives; Pyrimidine derivatives; Pyridine derivatives; Glutamates; to learn online educational courses. Practice Pyridoxine Chemistry, Functions and Disorders Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) to learn online certificate courses.

Pyridoxine Chemistry, Functions and Disorders MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The drug used for the tuberculosis is called:

  1. Isoniazid
  2. Penicillamine
  3. Cocaine
  4. All of them
MCQ 2:

The vitamin B-6 compounds are:

  1. Sterol derivatives
  2. Pyrimidine derivatives
  3. Pyridine derivatives
  4. Glutamates
MCQ 3:

The active form of the vitamin B-6, included:

  1. Coenzymes
  2. Coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate
  3. Pyridine
  4. Sterol
MCQ 4:

In the women, premenstrual syndrome, excessive use of the vitamin B-6 resulting in;

  1. Infertility
  2. Sensory neuropathy
  3. Convulsions
  4. Depression
MCQ 5:

If α-amino acids undergo decarboxylation, by using enzymes decarboxylase, resulting in;

  1. Amines
  2. Protein
  3. Hydroxyl group
  4. Rancidity

Biochemistry Practice Tests

Pyridoxine: Chemistry, Functions and Disorders Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Pyridoxine: Chemistry, Functions and Disorders App (Android & iOS)

Pyridoxine: Chemistry, Functions and Disorders App (Android & iOS)

Biochemistry App (Android & iOS)

Biochemistry App (iOS & Android)

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