Chapter 3: Biochemistry Exam Tests
Biochemistry MCQs - Chapter 3
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The MCQ: The word 'catalysis' was coined in; "Enzymes" App Download (Free) with answers: 1836; 1832; 1891; 1881; for bachelor degree online in 2 years. Solve Distribution and Classification of Carbohydrates Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for free online classes.
The word 'catalysis' was coined in:
A substance that increases the rate of chemical reaction, without having itself undergoes any change, called as:
The process of inhibition of enzymes in which the inhibitor and substrate are closely resemble with each other is called
Urinary 'amylase' is increased in the;
The small cleft at which the substrate binds and involved in catalysis, is called:
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