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Force and Motion Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download

The Force and Motion Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Force and Motion Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-1 to prepare SAT Physics Practice Tests. Solve Forces in Physics MCQ with answers PDF, Force and Motion Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for free career quiz. The Force and Motion Quiz App Download: Free learning app for sat physics subjective test, measurement of length, common temperature scales, states of matter, force and motion test prep for free SAT prep classes.

The Quiz: A force can cause; "Force and Motion" App Download (Free) with answers: A moving object to decrease speed; A stationary object to start moving; A moving object to change its direction of motion; for free career quiz. Learn Forces in Physics Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study online SAT prep courses.

Force and Motion Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 1

MCQ 1:

A force can cause

  1. a stationary object to start moving
  2. a moving object to decrease speed
  3. a moving object to change its direction of motion
  4. all of the above
MCQ 2:

Which of the following has high density?

  1. liquid
  2. solid
  3. gas
  4. both solid and liquid
MCQ 3:

The scale that is based on the theory that there is a lower possible temperature that exists in the universe is known as

  1. Celsius scale
  2. kelvin scale
  3. Fahrenheit scale
  4. none of the above
MCQ 4:

The range of screw gauge is

  1. several centimeters to 1 meter
  2. several meters
  3. between 1 cm to 10 cm
  4. less than 1 cm
MCQ 5:

The symbol for heat capacity is

  1. c
  2. h
  3. C
  4. H

SAT Physics Exam Prep Tests

Force and Motion Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Force and Motion App (Android & iOS)

Force and Motion App (Android & iOS)

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