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MBA Project Management Practice Tests

MBA Project Management Online Tests

Special Demands on Project Manager MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Special Demands on Project Manager Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Special Demands on Project Manager MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Project Management Tests. Learn Project Manager and Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Special Demands on Project Manager quiz answers PDF for bachelor in business management degree. The Special Demands on Project Manager MCQ App Download: Free learning app for project management and project manager, cultural differences problems, special demands on project manager test prep for fastest online MBA program.

The MCQ: PM will also be involved in making choices that require balancing in; "Special Demands on Project Manager" App Download (Free) with answers: Goals of the project; Goals of the firm; Both A and B; Goals of the resources; for bachelor in business management degree. Practice Special Demands on Project Manager Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online degrees.

Special Demands on Project Manager MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The chances for successful completion of a multidisciplinary project are

  1. Very low
  2. Below expected
  3. High
  4. Above Expected
MCQ 2:

PM will also be involved in making choices that require balancing in

  1. Goals of the project
  2. Goals of the firm
  3. Both A and B
  4. Goals of the resources
MCQ 3:

The need to preserve some balance between the project time, cost, and performance is in

  1. First set of trade-offs
  2. Second set of trade-offs
  3. Third set of trade-offs
  4. Fourth set of trade-offs
MCQ 4:

The technical plans to accomplish the project have been translated into a

  1. Service
  2. Budget
  3. Schedule
  4. Both B & C
MCQ 5:

At the project completion phase, the high-priority goal is

  1. Performance
  2. Schedule
  3. Budget
  4. Cost

MBA Project Management Practice Tests

Special Demands on Project Manager Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Special Demands on Project Manager App (Android & iOS)

Special Demands on Project Manager App (Android & iOS)

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