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Environmental Management Practice Test 54

Means of Rainforest Destruction MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 54

The Means of Rainforest Destruction Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Means of Rainforest Destruction MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-54 to solve Environmental Management Practice Tests. Study Biosphere quiz answers PDF, Means of Rainforest Destruction Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study online certification courses. The Means of Rainforest Destruction MCQs App Download: Free educational app for earthquakes impacts on people, strategies of conservation, tectonic activity, climatic hazards, causes and occurrence, means of rainforest destruction test prep to learn online certificate courses.

The MCQs: In which country dry farming of cereal crops are grown; "Means of Rainforest Destruction" App (Android, iOS) with answers: America; Mexico; Pakistan; USA; to study online certification courses. Practice Biosphere Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample to learn free online courses.

Means of Rainforest Destruction MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 54

MCQ 266:

In which country dry farming of cereal crops are grown?

  1. Mexico
  2. America
  3. Pakistan
  4. USA
MCQ 267:

Coastal flooding is due to

  1. Drought
  2. Hurricanes
  3. Typhoons
  4. Floods
MCQ 268:

Which logging involves taking only mature hardwoods?

  1. Agro-Forestry
  2. Selective logging
  3. Logging
  4. Deforestation
MCQ 269:

Sustainable harvesting of wild plants and animals is known as

  1. Mitigation
  2. Conservation
  3. Sustainibility
  4. Ecosystem
MCQ 270:

What was the magnitude of earthquake at Turkey in 1999?

  1. 7.8
  2. 7.3
  3. 7.5
  4. 7.6

Environmental Management Exam Prep Tests

Means of Rainforest Destruction Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Means of Rainforest Destruction App (Android & iOS)

Means of Rainforest Destruction App (Android & iOS)

Environmental Management App (Android & iOS)

Environmental Management App (iOS & Android)

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Environmental Science App (iOS & Android)