Chapter 12: IGCSE O Level Chemistry Exam Tests
IGCSE O Level Chemistry MCQs - Chapter 12
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The MCQ: Consider the reaction: AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl + NaNO3. The state of NaNO3 will be; "Salts and Identification of Ions and Gases" App Download (Free) with answers: Aqueous; Solid; Gaseous; Liquid; for online college classes. Solve Collection of Gases Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for free online college courses.
Consider the reaction: AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl + NaNO3. The state of NaNO3 will be
If the hydrogen (H) of an acid (H+) is partially replaced by a metal, it forms
The incorrect statement is: Fizzy sweets
Sufficient hemoglobin in the blood can be tested by adding a drop of
If metal hydroxide (-OH-) and acid (H+) reaction to form Potassium Nitrate (KNO3), the other by-product will be
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