O Level Courses

Chapter 2: IGCSE O Level Chemistry Exam Tests

IGCSE O Level Chemistry MCQs - Chapter 2

Chemical Bonding and Structure Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Chemical Bonding and Structure Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Chemical Bonding and Structure MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-1 to study IGCSE O Level Chemistry Course. Practice Ionic Compounds: Crystal Lattices MCQs, Chemical Bonding and Structure quiz questions and answers PDF for free online college courses. The Chemical Bonding and Structure MCQs App Download: Free learning app for molecules and macromolecules, ions and ionic bonds, transfer of electrons career test to study online certification courses.

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Chemical Bonding & Structure MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

Metals are solids, except

  1. helium
  2. selenium
  3. mercury
  4. Potassium
MCQ 2:

Melting point of silica (SiO2) is

  1. 1650 °C
  2. 1660 °C
  3. 1700 °C
  4. 1760 °C
MCQ 3:

Potassium Oxide is formed through

  1. two potassium ions and one oxygen ion
  2. one potassium ion and one oxygen ion
  3. two potassium ions and two oxygen ion
  4. one potassium ion and two oxygen ion
MCQ 4:

In the formation of an ionic bond in Potassium Fluoride (KF), the Potassium ion (K+) gets a

  1. single positive charge
  2. double positive charge
  3. single negative charge
  4. double negative charge
MCQ 5:

Due to mobile valence electrons, metals are

  1. rigid
  2. not rigid
  3. poor electrolytes
  4. poor insulators

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Chemical Bonding & Structure App (Android & iOS)

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