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MCAT Biology Practice Test 21

Cytoplasmic Extranuclear Inheritance Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 21

The Cytoplasmic Extranuclear Inheritance Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Cytoplasmic Extranuclear Inheritance Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 16-21 to prepare MCAT Biology Practice Tests. Solve Meiosis and Genetic Viability MCQ with answers PDF, Cytoplasmic Extranuclear Inheritance Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for college entrance exams. The Cytoplasmic Extranuclear Inheritance Quiz App Download: Free learning app for cytoplasmic extranuclear inheritance, metabolism of proteins, ketone bodies, expressing cloned genes, enzyme classification by reaction type test prep for MCAT prep classes.

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Cytoplasmic Extranuclear Inheritance Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 21

MCQ 101:

Chloroplasts function to produce

  1. ribosomes
  2. energy
  3. sugars
  4. vitamins
MCQ 102:

In deamination, the amino acid is converted into

  1. aldol acid
  2. keto acid
  3. hydrochloric acid
  4. carboxylic acid
MCQ 103:

Ketone bodies are made from

  1. acetone
  2. hydrochloric acid
  3. acetyl-CoA
  4. acetoacetic acid
MCQ 104:

For cloning, the bacteria's plasmids must be cut by

  1. restriction enzymes
  2. polymerase enzyme
  3. helicase enzyme
  4. gyrase enzyme
MCQ 105:

Enzyme which helps in changing the shape of molecule is called

  1. ligases
  2. dehydrogenases
  3. hydrolases
  4. isomerases

MCAT Biology Exam Prep Tests

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