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MCAT Biology Practice Test 137

Mutation Error in DNA Sequence Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 137

The Mutation Error in DNA Sequence Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Mutation Error in DNA Sequence Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 16-137 to prepare MCAT Biology Practice Tests. Solve Meiosis and Genetic Viability MCQ with answers PDF, Mutation Error in DNA Sequence Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online classes to prepare for MCAT. The Mutation Error in DNA Sequence Quiz App Download: Free learning app for mutation error in dna sequence, triplet code, cycle, substrates and products, structure of proteins, general function in cell containment test prep for questions to ask during an interview.

The Quiz MCQ: Mutations in gene can; "Mutation Error in DNA Sequence" App Download (Free) with answers: Alter the product of gene; Have no effect; Prevent the gene from proper functioning; for online classes to prepare for MCAT. Learn Meiosis and Genetic Viability Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn e-learning courses.

Mutation Error in DNA Sequence Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 137

MCQ 681:

Mutations in gene can

  1. have no effect
  2. alter the product of gene
  3. prevent the gene from proper functioning
  4. all of above
MCQ 682:

The triplet code of DNA has a group of

  1. 2 bases
  2. 4 bases
  3. 6 bases
  4. 3 bases
MCQ 683:

In substrate level phostphorylation, Succinyl CoA is converted into Succinate by

  1. Succinyl-CoA hydrogenase
  2. Succinyl-CoA dehydrogenase
  3. Succinyl-CoA synthetase
  4. Transferase
MCQ 684:

The type of bonding in disulfide bridges is

  1. covalent bonding between R groups of Cysteine amino acids
  2. ionic bonding
  3. hydrogen bonding
  4. polar interactions
MCQ 685:

A membrane which separates intracellular components to extracellular environment is

  1. plasma membrane
  2. nuclear membrane
  3. mitochondria
  4. cytoplasm

MCAT Biology Exam Prep Tests

Mutation Error in DNA Sequence Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Mutation Error in DNA Sequence App (Android & iOS)

Mutation Error in DNA Sequence App (Android & iOS)

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