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Double Helix Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Practice Double Helix quiz questions, double helix multiple choice questions and answers PDF to prepare MCAT exam worksheet 32 for online certificate programs. Learn Nucleic Acid Structure and Function quiz with answers, double helix Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve MCAT biology test with answers for online university degrees. Free double helix MCQs, tetrad, heterochromatin vs euchromatin, dna denaturation, reannealing and hybridization, what is locus, double helix test prep for college entrance examination.

"The phenomenon in which the H bonds pair the bases of nucleotides in one chainto complementary bases in the other is called", double helix Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices sugar pairing, pairing, base pairing, and phosphate pairing to learn certification courses online. Learn nucleic acid structure and function questions and answers with free online certification courses for free career quiz.

Double Helix Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Double Helix Quiz

MCQ: The phenomenon in which the H bonds pair the bases of nucleotides in one chainto complementary bases in the other is called

  1. pairing
  2. sugar pairing
  3. base pairing
  4. phosphate pairing


What is Locus Quiz

MCQ: Humans estimated haploid protein coding genes are in range

  1. 30,000-40,000
  2. 40,000-50,000
  3. 20,000-25,000
  4. 10,000-15,000


DNA denaturation, Reannealing and Hybridization Quiz

MCQ: Loss of H-bonds between two complementary strands results in

  1. strand binding
  2. strand separation
  3. strand destruction
  4. Ligation


Heterochromatin Vs Euchromatin Quiz

MCQ: The type of chromatin that participates in the active transcription of DNA to mRNA products is

  1. heterochromatin
  2. Euchromatin
  3. Centromere
  4. Acrocentric chromosomes


Tetrad Quiz

MCQ: If the two parents have the mutation in two different genes, the tetrad can segregate these genes as the

  1. non parental ditype
  2. parental ditype
  3. tetratype
  4. all of above