MBA Business Statistics Practice Tests
MBA Business Statistics Online Tests
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The MCQ: Closer the value of tolerance to 1, for which there exists; "Multicollinearity" App Download (Free) with answers: Less chance of multicollinearity; High chance of multicollinearity; Less chance of perfect multicollinearity; High chance of perfect multicollinearity; for online certificate programs. Practice Multicollinearity Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) .
In multicollinearity, due to high variance and standard error, t-test will become statistically
Closer the value of tolerance to 1, for which there exists
As a rule of thumb, multicollinearity exist if the value of VIF exceeds
There may be a case where you are required x⊂t and x⊂t-1 in the model, which causes
In VIF calculation, if the value of R² is taken as 0, computed VIF would be equal to
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