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Computer Fundamentals Certification Exam Tests

Computer Fundamentals Practice Test 85

Computer Programmer Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 85

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Computer Programmer Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 85

MCQ 421:

In computers, Switching ON of computer, putting IO devices into peripherals and running particular programs are duties of

  1. processing operator
  2. trail operators
  3. data operator
  4. computer operator
MCQ 422:

In data sorting, searching, selecting and placing the smallest size data is classified as

  1. exchange
  2. change
  3. insertion
  4. selection
MCQ 423:

Lines and arrows in the system flowchart are used to represent the

  1. flow of data
  2. order of operations
  3. order of input
  4. order of processing
MCQ 424:

Third step in running and preparing batch jobs is to

  1. write on printed sheets
  2. verify the work
  3. input data to computer
  4. store output
MCQ 425:

Better security and easy maintenance are advantages of

  1. single user system
  2. multi user system
  3. micro time system
  4. single time system

Computer Fundamentals Exam Prep Tests

Computer Programmer Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Computer Programmer App (Android & iOS)

Computer Programmer App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (iOS & Android)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

DBMS App (Android & iOS)

DBMS App (iOS & Android)