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Introduction to High Level Languages MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Introduction to High Level Languages Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Introduction to High Level Languages MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Computer Fundamentals Tests. Study Programming Languages and Style Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Introduction to High Level Languages quiz answers PDF for online master programs. The Introduction to High Level Languages MCQ App Download: Free learning app for data types and structures, subroutines, procedures and functions, introduction to high level languages test prep for bachelor's degree in computer science.

The MCQ: Program which interprets each line of high level program at the time of execution is called; "Introduction to High Level Languages" App Download (Free) with answers: Instructor; Interpreter; Translator; Executor; for online master programs. Practice Introduction to High Level Languages Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for computer science programs.

Introduction to High Level Languages MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Programming language COBOL works best for use in

  1. Siemens applications
  2. student applications
  3. social applications
  4. commercial applications
MCQ 2:

Program which interprets each line of high level program at the time of execution is called

  1. instructor
  2. interpreter
  3. translator
  4. executor
MCQ 3:

Programming language 'BASIC' is used by

  1. beginners
  2. commercial programmers
  3. household user interface
  4. students
MCQ 4:

Program used in interactive computing is termed as

  1. translator
  2. executor
  3. instructor
  4. interpreter
MCQ 5:

Program which translates the high level program into machine code is classified as

  1. compiler
  2. translator
  3. translating analyst
  4. instruction analyst

Computer Fundamentals Practice Tests

Introduction to High Level Languages Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Introduction to High Level Languages MCQs App to learn Introduction to High Level Languages Textbook, Computer Fundamentals MCQ App, and DataBase Management System (MCS) MCQ App. The "Introduction to High Level Languages" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Introduction to High Level Languages App (Android & iOS)

Introduction to High Level Languages App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (iOS & Android)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

Computer Basics App (Android & iOS)

Computer Basics App (iOS & Android)