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Chapter 10: General Knowledge Exam Tests

General Knowledge MCQs - Chapter 10

Musculoskeletal System Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 3

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Musculoskeletal System Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 3

MCQ: Organ system which gives the ability to human to move using their skeletal and muscular system is known as

A) locomotors system
B) activity system
C) human musculoskeletal system
D) all of above

MCQ: Cartilage, tendons, joints, ligaments and connective tissues together made up of system known as

A) nervous system
B) system of glands
C) locomotors system
D) system of cells

MCQ: Flexible and tough band of fibrous connective tissue is known as

A) tendon
B) cartilage
C) nerves
D) ligament

MCQ: Muscles that are found in heart to circulate the blood are known as

A) smooth muscles
B) cardiac muscles
C) skeletal system
D) hormonal system

MCQ: Division of joints that are fibrous with no movement

A) synarthroses
B) diathroses
C) tibia and tendons
D) femur and ligaments

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Musculoskeletal System App (Android & iOS)

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