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Kuiper Belt MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Kuiper Belt Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Kuiper Belt MCQ PDF e-Book) download to learn general knowledge online courses. Study Space and Solar System Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Kuiper Belt quiz answers PDF for science degree entrance exam. The Kuiper Belt MCQ App Download: Free learning app for equinoxes and solstices, solar and lunar eclipse, asteroid belt, black hole facts test prep for university entrance exam.

The MCQ: In Kuiper Belt, the objects such as Pluto, Make-make, Ixion and Haumea are also known as; "Kuiper Belt" App Download (Free) with answers trans-venus objects, trans-neptune objects, trans-pluto objects and trans-saturn objects for science degree entrance exam. Practice kuiper belt quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for free career quiz.

Kuiper Belt MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1:

In Kuiper Belt, the objects such as Pluto, Make-make, Ixion and Haumea are also known as

  1. Trans-Venus Objects
  2. Trans-Neptune Objects
  3. Trans-Pluto Objects
  4. Trans-Saturn Objects
MCQ 2:

The 'Kuiper Belt' in space extends roughly from orbit of the planet

  1. Pluto
  2. Uranus
  3. Saturn
  4. Neptune
MCQ 3:

The area of outer solar system that is stretched across 20 Astronomical Unit in space is classified as

  1. Kuiper Belt
  2. Asteroid Belt
  3. Meteorite Belt
  4. Meteoroid Belt
MCQ 4:

The dwarf planets such as Pluto and Make-make is classified as

  1. Meteorite Belt
  2. Pallas Belt
  3. Kuiper Belt
  4. Asteroid Belt

General Knowledge Practice Tests

Kuiper Belt Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Kuiper Belt App (Android & iOS)

Kuiper Belt App (Android & iOS)

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RF Electronics App (Android & iOS)

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