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General Knowledge Practice Test 38

Ernst August Fiedrich Ruska MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 38

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The MCQs: Ernst August Friedrich Ruska, won the Nobel Prize for his work of; "Ernst August Fiedrich Ruska" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Electroweak unification; Charge coupled device; Design of electron microscope; Nuclear shell model; for science degree entrance exam. Practice famous scientists questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online high school college acceptance.

Ernst August Fiedrich Ruska MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 38

MCQ 186:

Ernst August Friedrich Ruska, won the Nobel Prize for his work of

  1. charge coupled device
  2. electroweak unification
  3. design of electron microscope
  4. nuclear shell model
MCQ 187:

The Earth inductor compass is

  1. American invention
  2. European invention
  3. Chinese invention
  4. Arabian invention
MCQ 188:

Points at which two orbital planes meet are known as

  1. Ariel nodes
  2. lunar nodes
  3. solar nodes
  4. umbra nodes
MCQ 189:

The North Atlantic was first crossed in the airship by

  1. British
  2. Americans
  3. European
  4. Roman
MCQ 190:

Atmospheric density decreases with the

  1. increase in longitude
  2. decrease in altitude
  3. increase in altitude
  4. increase in latitude

General Knowledge Exam Prep Tests

Ernst August Fiedrich Ruska Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Ernst August Fiedrich Ruska App (Android & iOS)

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