BBA Finance Degree Courses

Financial Markets Certification Exam Tests

Financial Markets Practice Test 70

Common Stock MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 70

The Common Stock Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Common Stock MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 8-70 to solve Financial Markets Practice Tests. Study World Stock Markets quiz answers PDF, Common Stock Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study online MBA finance courses. The Common Stock MCQs App Download: Free educational app for common stock, supply of loanable fund, derivative securities market, corporate bonds, money market securities test prep for general business degree online.

The MCQs: The capital gains and dividends are considered as components of; "Common Stock" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Equity; Return; Spot rate contracts; Forward rate contracts; to study online MBA finance courses. Practice World Stock Markets Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online business administration courses.

Common Stock MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 70

MCQ 346:

The capital gains and dividends are considered as components of

  1. return
  2. equity
  3. spot rate contracts
  4. forward rate contracts
MCQ 347:

The monetary expansion increases and gives way to a decrease in equilibrium interest rate, then supply curve of funds must shift

  1. up and to the left
  2. up and to the right
  3. down and to the left
  4. down and to the right
MCQ 348:

The prices that are adjusted day to day to picture the current conditions of future markets are classified as

  1. market future prices
  2. market to market prices
  3. market to invest prices
  4. present market prices
MCQ 349:

The thin trading of municipal bonds in secondary markets is because of

  1. excess of information
  2. lack of information
  3. frequent information
  4. infrequent information
MCQ 350:

The promissory notes issued by company for short term fund raising are unsecured are classified as

  1. unsecured notes
  2. debt paper
  3. term paper
  4. commercial paper

Financial Markets Exam Prep Tests

Common Stock Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Common Stock App (Android & iOS)

Common Stock App (Android & iOS)

Financial Markets App (Android & iOS)

Financial Markets App (iOS & Android)

Marketing Management App (Android & iOS)

Marketing Management App (Android & iOS)

Financial Management App (Android & iOS)

Financial Management App (iOS & Android)