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BBA Business Statistics Certification Exam Tests

BBA Business Statistics Practice Test 77

Probability and Counting Rules Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 77

The Probability and Counting Rules Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Probability and Counting Rules Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-77 to prepare BBA Business Statistics Practice Tests. Solve Introduction to Probability MCQ with answers PDF, Probability and Counting Rules Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for accredited online business management degree. The Probability and Counting Rules Quiz App Download: Free learning app for probability and counting rules, central tendency measures, discrete probability distributions, relative measure of skewness, learning business statistics test prep for online business and administration degree.

The Quiz: If the number of outcomes in collection are 5 and the distinct outcomes are 9 then the count value according to combinations method is; "Probability & Counting Rules" App Download (Free) with answers: 9; 4; 126; 45; for accredited online business management degree. Learn Introduction to Probability Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn online educational courses.

Probability & Counting Rules Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 77

MCQ 381:

If the number of outcomes in collection are 5 and the distinct outcomes are 9 then the count value according to combinations method is

  1. 4
  2. 9
  3. 126
  4. 45
MCQ 382:

The number of observations are 24 and value of x‾ is 28 then the sum of all the values is

  1. −4
  2. 40000%
  3. 52
  4. 672
MCQ 383:

The process in which the trials are statistically independent and each trial of event has only two outcomes is classified as

  1. Bernoulli process
  2. Bayes process
  3. functional process
  4. independent limited process
MCQ 384:

The 90th percentile is 60, 50th percentile is 30 and 10th percentile is 40 then the coefficient of skewness is

  1. ±30
  2. ±2
  3. ±8
  4. ±4
MCQ 385:

The science and art which is used to present, analyze and interpret the collected observations is classified as

  1. serial analysis
  2. statistics
  3. management
  4. accounting

BBA Business Statistics Exam Prep Tests

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Probability & Counting Rules App (Android & iOS)

Probability & Counting Rules App (Android & iOS)

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