BBA Management Courses
BBA Business Statistics Practice Tests
BBA Business Statistics Online Tests
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The MCQ: The frequency distribution is considered as negatively skewed if all the values of distribution moves to; "Skewness and Skewed Distribution" App Download (Free) with answers: Lower tail; Median tail; Variance tail; Upper tail; to learn online tutor courses. Practice Skewness and Skewed Distribution Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for business administration bachelor degree online.
The measurement techniques used to measure the extent of skewness in data set values are called
The frequency distribution is considered as negatively skewed if all the values of distribution moves to
The frequency distribution is considered as positively skewed if all the values of distribution moves to
As compared to measures of variation, the measure of skewness is used to understand concentration of
If all the values move towards one tail of a distribution then this scenario results in
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