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BBA Business Statistics Practice Tests

BBA Business Statistics Online Tests

Population Parameters and Sample Statistic MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Population Parameters and Sample Statistic Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Population Parameters and Sample Statistic MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice BBA Business Statistics Tests. Study Sampling Distributions Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Population Parameters and Sample Statistic quiz answers PDF to study online schools courses. The Population Parameters and Sample Statistic MCQ App Download: Free learning app for sampling distributions, population parameters and sample statistic, stratified sampling, cluster sampling test prep to learn free online courses.

The MCQ: The unknown or exact value that represents the whole population is classified as; "Population Parameters and Sample Statistic" App Download (Free) with answers: Parameters; Estimators; Absolute statistics; Coverage estimator; to study online schools courses. Practice Population Parameters and Sample Statistic Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online classes for bachelor's degree in business administration.

Population Parameters and Sample Statistic MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The parameters of population are denoted by the

  1. roman letters
  2. lower case Greek letter
  3. upper case Greek letter
  4. associated roman alphabets
MCQ 2:

The unknown or exact value that represents the whole population is classified as

  1. parameters
  2. estimators
  3. absolute statistics
  4. coverage estimator
MCQ 3:

The methods in statistics that uses sample statistics to estimate the parameters of the population are considered as

  1. inferential statistics
  2. absolute statistics
  3. coverage statistics
  4. random sample statistics
MCQ 4:

The measures in sampling that are results of sample analyses are called

  1. absolute statistics parameter
  2. coverage estimators
  3. population statistics
  4. sample statistic
MCQ 5:

In sampling, the measures such as variance, mean, standard deviation are considered as

  1. absolute statistics
  2. coverage estimator
  3. parameters
  4. estimators

BBA Business Statistics Practice Tests

Population Parameters and Sample Statistic Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Population Parameters and Sample Statistic App (Android & iOS)

Population Parameters and Sample Statistic App (Android & iOS)

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