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SQL Learning Guide for Beginners PDF Download - 28

The SQL Learning Guide for Beginners (SQL Quiz PDF e-Book), download test 28 to practice sql assessment tests. Solve SQL trivia questions, SQL Learning Guide for Beginners Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online computer engineering programs. The "SQL Learning Guide for Beginners" App: Free download learning App for sql database interview questions and answers, computer science frequently asked questions, sql learning guide for beginners test prep for computer information science.

The Quiz: In SQL, to match any substring, special character used is of type; "SQL Learning Guide for Beginners" App Download (Free) with answers: ?; %; /; #; for online computer engineering programs. Practice sql questions and answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn distance learning courses.

SQL Quiz: SQL Learning Guide for Beginners PDF Download - 28

MCQ 136:

In SQL, to match any substring, the special character used is of type

  1. %
  2. ?
  3. /
  4. #
MCQ 137:

SQL allows disabling triggers through the command

  1. Describe trigger
  2. Modify trigger
  3. Alter trigger
  4. Declare trigger
MCQ 138:

Aggregate functions can be applied over a group of sets of tuples instead of just single tuple by using the clause

  1. By Grouped clause
  2. Group by clause
  3. Merge clause
  4. Sync clause
MCQ 139:

The state of the database can be undo during the transaction with the terminology

  1. Transmit work
  2. Commit work
  3. Rollback work
  4. Trace work
MCQ 140:

The SQL environment offers authorizations on data that can be classified into

  1. 2 types
  2. 3 types
  3. 4 types
  4. 5 types

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SQL Learning Guide for Beginners Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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SQL Learning Guide for Beginners App (Android & iOS)

SQL Learning Guide for Beginners App (Android & iOS)

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